Friday, February 24, 2006

Quantum Computers=Headache

I'm not that big into quantum physics. I don't even have the brain for algebra. Though I do love hearing about some of the things that quantum physics brings sounds like computers designed by Terrence McKenna.

from the New Scientist article:

With the right set-up, the theory suggested, the computer would sometimes get an answer out of the computer even though the program did not run. And now researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have improved on the original design and built a non-running quantum computer that really works.

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I'm Troy Doney. I'm on the internet. I'm the writer of the blog "Off the Reservation" at New West. I also write a blog at Reznet. My personal blog is Man Bites Dog. I post my pictures at Flickr and I write short sentences at Twitter.