From Key 23:
A how to guide on Preparing for the End of Society
(Not quite the end of the world, but still pretty bad)
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About Me

- Troy
- I'm Troy Doney. I'm on the internet. I'm the writer of the blog "Off the Reservation" at New West. I also write a blog at Reznet. My personal blog is Man Bites Dog. I post my pictures at Flickr and I write short sentences at Twitter.
Blog Archive
- Tired of Platformer Adventure #25, or Generic FPS 2?
- Bees dog pile, incinerate invaders
- Bats spread SARS, part of South Chinese food chain
- The coolest goddamn sending off method since Hunte...
- G-Men will find you through your computer
- The Adam and Eve...OF BRAINS....
- Urbran sprawl can mean food for all?
- Running out of Compliant Scientists
- New Use for Audio Blogger
- Black Plague Cellphone Battery
- Want a really fancy toothbrush?
- Keep in mind that Vatican City has an insanely hig...
- My confidence in man shows through
- Corruption in Congress
- For the physics majors among us
- What do to do on Banned Books Week
- Marvel, DC, and the whole 'aging' thing
- President's Iraq fundraisers can't even get enough...
- Illegal Genes
- Grant Morrisson says I should read this
- Govt' tries to pull a sneaky one on Indians again
- Robot-Gun destroys all who come near your computer
- If the milk is bad, it'll glow
- Listen to Music from Non-Existent Instruments
- What mercenaries do when they're in New Orleans
- Chinese Ban on Public use of Leet
- I the only one who perceives an impossibilit...
- A safe guess would be 'a lot'
- But what if the place is haunted to begin with?
- Because I want more nightmares
- If you plan on being alive within the next ten yea...
- Handbook for Bloggers & Cyber-Dissidents
- Because some people really do take those fwd's at ...
- We are the children of Sea-Monkeys
- Fucking Shark-Taser Suit
- The FBI's XXX-Files
- My first reaction: "Whaaatuh?"
- Prescription pills turn elderly into lecherous gam...
- Later, Doc Gonzo
- Ministry of Truth for Hire
- Only the Japanese can truly make English profanity...
- MMORPG finally starts spreading social diseases
- One step closer to Master Chief, baby
- Troy's Weather Report, Sept. 19, 2005
- The Guilty Parties
- Biomimicry Database
- "I went down there to help. All I did was get the ...
- An elephant with a shark tied to it's back
- The Flying Mobulas of the Sea of Cortez
- Antartica melts for your SUV
- "I am sure that the U.S. presence will increase."
- The Human Thunderbolt from Down Under
- Troy's Weather Report, Sept. 16, 2005
- Warning: Cute Baby Sloths
- Even more comics I want to read
- Troy's Weather Report, Sept. 15, 2005
- Reading material for Americans on the verge of a D...
- Endorse an American Taliban
- Because you can't get enough crushing of...I forgo...
- Because Altered States of Conciousness can crush W...
- Future matchbox pumps LSD right into Troy's heart ...
- Troy's Weather Report, Sept. 14, 2005
- Mexican Mummies
- A year's worth of fresh science fiction
- My school turns fascist, School President up to so...
- Troy's Weather Report, Sept. 13, 2005
- The sound of a picture of one hand clapping
- I remember there being a bit of a problem with vir...
- Wuxtrey, wuxtrey: God kills for public housing re...
- Govt' dislikes bad image that reality portrays, tr...
- Beam me up, Scotty
- Crash Course in Katrina Code
- Power bill solved by weekend walks?
- Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
- An Article I want to read later
- 25 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes About Hurricane Ka...
- The Hyena People of Nigeria
- Self-Healing Spacecraft inspired by Ant Society
- From the Afterculture Art Exhibit
- Journalists Gone Wild:
- Mercenaries given carte blanche in New Orleans
- mp3 blog aggregators
- Bush Administration refuses to play blame game, ra...
- Why women live longer then men
- Susan Wood Interview from the Village Voice
- LOCAL: the official press release
- Five Fists of Science
- Three new directions
- What the fuck?
- Eric Myer Photography
- Is this LOVE?
- Vampire Squids
- And your mom told you that gaming would never get ...
- Lifeboat Foundation
- Fight the Flood
- Why did God put OUR oil under THEIR soil?!
- CNN grows a pair
- Wooden Mustache Clothing
- 1980s Marco Morani Ruffled Leather Jacket
- Wired News: Day-After Pill Exposes FDA Rift
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